It’s In the Music

Photo Credit: Lindsey Simon – Wild Free Adventure Photography

“It’s in the Music” is such a valuable phrase to me that I had it tattooed on my arm. It’s my one and only tattoo and I was 52 years old when I made the decision. Also, just for the record, it is true that getting tattooed fuels the desire to get another one! It’s now in my near future.

There’s a story behind why the phrase is so important to me. I will quickly track back 50 years from where it all started. I wanted a guitar. My mom and I drove 35 miles on a dark and snowy night to buy it. Lessons followed and my love for music grew with each note. I eventually picked up a few more instruments that offered the opportunity to perform with a band during my teenage years.

I write this with much gratitude because both of my parents were always supportive of my musical talent. They spent dollars they didn’t have on the finest instruments for me.

Sixteen years ago I had an experience that has since left me pondering the meaning of the message “It’s in the Music”.

Do you know how some dreams have so much impact you never forget them? Well, that’s exactly what happened. My mother who had passed 4 years prior, appeared to me in a dream. She asked me to sit in her lap. My grown self sat in her lap just like a little tiny baby! She looked deep into my eyes and said, “It’s in the Music, Vickie. Just let me do this – and she repeated “It’s in the music” 3 more times. She began to blow her breath in my face. Ice blue crystals filled my entire body. I could feel them going through my veins as if I were wide awake.

There are some things you know beyond the shadow of a doubt even when they don’t make sense. I knew something had just happened that changed the trajectory of my heart toward the power of music. I have no words for it other than something in my heart began to explore what she meant. What exactly is in the music? Why did “I” need to know this information? What was the purpose of the blue crystal thingys?

At this time, I have only partial answers with a lot of gray areas. Here is what I know. Music is universal. It speaks to every age, language, and gender. The sound embeds into all five senses. A song can take you to places you’ve never been and put you right into the moment. One lyric can heal moments of grief, sorrow, or confusion. A melody can become almost a nuisance as it “gets stuck in your head” and make you spontaneously dance a jig or run a sprint. There is a lot of science behind that whole concept but that’s not my mission today.

My mission is to share this experience with you and hopefully inspire you to reach a bit deeper into a place of your own personal unknown. The song I am sharing with you today was recently released to the public. I wrote it in 2003 a few months after my mother transitioned to heaven but before the epic dream.

I sat all alone at a keyboard in a church sanctuary. Writers of music know the power of fiddling around with notes until they make a melody. There is no certain order as to how lyrics begin to accompany a melody. In this case, the lyrics fell right into cadence with the melody and were coming from a place of the sorrow I was experiencing at the time. It seemed as the lyrics were releasing my current state of sadness or grief. Eventually, I ended up in a heap of emotions underneath the keyboard.

I know each reader has had the experience of listening to a song that captures a piece of their heart but most listeners do not know the process a song has gone through to get to the place of its availability to the public.

First, there is the unction– that still small voice inside of an artist that starts to press from the inside pushing its way into existence. It’s raw and unpolished but nevertheless, it has arrived. It can be downright exhausting delivering something the world has NEVER seen or heard.

The second is the moment of sharing. That usually takes me a while because I love to hang on to the sacred and intimate moment of creativity. It’s a personal thing.

The third phase can take minutes or years. Framing the structure of the song. Finding its personality. This is usually done in the company of other musicians or producers. An artist usually knows if a suggested adjustment is going to fit the song’s purpose. It’s up to the creator as to how loosely they hold the reigns on refining.

Finally, the decision is made if a recording is part of the song’s destiny. I can tell you there is a multitude of great songs that have never been recorded. Their purpose is being fulfilled in other ways.

Then there are songs like the Holy of Holies that yelled the need to be shared in a broader avenue.

By the time we recorded this song nineteen years after its conception – it had already made its way into several situations where it dispersed peace and comfort. It carried the same healing with it I had experienced when it was delivered into my care.

The recording came at a time of the chaotic world upheaval of COVID-19. Musicians, conductors, and performers were squelched in their tracks with no outlets. They gladly and professionally served the song. We couldn’t have done it without their collaboration.

There is much more to say but I’m at the end of my words for today. The power of music is wide and deep with many avenues to explore. “It’s in the Music” is a message that will certainly unravel for the rest of time.

I leave you with this encouragement. Choose to look at music on a deeper level and when you get there- go deeper. It’s an endless road. When you see a music artist performing or writing – give them a word of encouragement. Most of us don’t even know the real power of the gift we carry. And last but not least from my heart to yours – please enjoy the

“Holy of Holies

Now found on my It’s in the Music Page

and of course by all means

Enjoy the Journey VB

It’s really not my gig BUT I LOVE TO READ THE FOOD BLOGS! So for all of you foodies out there who aren’t sharing your stuff –what are you waiting for? If I can do the blog thing – so can you! Give it a click and get started.

Are You Disciplined?

Are you disciplined? This is not where this blog is pointed but it’s a great picture of a banana split that found its fate on a hot summer afternoon shortly after we enjoyed some great music at an outdoor concert!

It’s SUMMERTIME! We are no different than the rest of the earth’s inhabitants. We can thrive in the sunshine, grow our gardens and stockpile food for winter, lay on the beach and stare at the clouds, eat banana splits on a hot day, or enjoy time with friends by the pool. The list is endless and it sounds fabulous! Are you disciplined?

Do you have the discipline to make it all happen?

The month of July moved extremely fast in my personal world. I was moving fast right along with it and doing very little of my above dream list. Some days actually moved faster than I could possibly run.

However, even in the midst of this fast-paced world, I am taking mental notes and pondering some questions that may be beneficial for many of us.

  1. Is it totally necessary to RUN from daylight til dark?
  2. Is there a way to trim obligations to allow for more down time?
  3. At the end of each day, what is TRULY the most important thing in life?

Well, those are big questions that deserve answers from each of us. The truth is this. IF you don’t manage your life, someone else will. The demands on your personal self-created culture are monitored by your own discipline.

Our 7-year-old grandson stayed a few days with us this summer. I noticed that discipline was not his favorite element of the visit. (although he doesn’t get too much of it from his MiMi :)) Simple things like washing your hands, brushing your teeth, eating your dinner, and taking a break from the IPAD seemed like major events in his world. I can easily relate to him on a different level.

The answer to question number one is simply NO. It is not necessary to fill your day from daylight till dark. You can only do what you can do BUT you don’t have to do MORE than you can do.

A brush with death in 2015 has kept me continually aware of when my plate has become too full. I realized the value of life in one moment after a bad motorcycle crash. I knew my priorities would be changing before the paramedics even arrived. Now, when I feel myself reeling out of the boundaries of where I am my best self, I simply readjust.

I am certain I don’t have to remind anyone that life is precious and ultimately short. Yes, the days fly by but they each hold time that has not yet been captured. The answer to question number two is YES! Obligations CAN be trimmed. It may take a plan of action to achieve the goal BUT it can be done.

It has taken two years to phase out some of my previous obligations (including workload). I scaled back from working 40 hours a week for someone else to investing more time in our own personal dreams and goals. That includes writing this blog. Starting with only an hour a few mornings a week to where I am now, one entire day a week. I still work for someone else 20 hours a week, but contract work is managed around MY life instead of theirs.

Question number three can be difficult because it varies for each of us. It depends on what season we are occupying. I am in a golden season of understanding more than ever the value of relationships. 2020 was a rough year on a global basis. The fear instilled in folks close to me and abroad can only be overcome by keeping what is most important to us continually at the forefront of our vision.

For example, I will rework my schedule just to have a morning coffee with a friend. I will work hard for several days in a row to clear 4 days of uninterrupted time with my grandson. I will purposely make a Saturday morning available to browse a farmer’s market and catch up with my friend and music partner at a favorite coffee shop. My husband and I have weekend obligations at church so “date night” morphed into “date morning”. It can be anything from a game of golf to breakfast on the deck.

These are a few of my latest epiphanies of life. If you have already achieved your ultimate life – don’t change a thing!

I leave you with this encouragement. Don’t take anything for granted. Take a deep look at these simple questions and create the life YOU enjoy. It may not seem like it but the truth is there are answers to every obstacle you face. Start seeking out the wisdom to build the life you want and make a disciplined plan to make it happen. I for one am determined to stop to smell the roses and

Enjoy the Journey – VB

Blogging WAS one of those dreams for me….UNTIL I made up my mind. It all started right here. A SIMPLE CLICK. It’s just that easy.

There’s more of my story in my book “Escape from Darkness”. Find it here.

A Prosperous Soul

This pic was taken on a road less traveled in Ireland in 2017. It represents the totality of prosperity and freedom to me!

Today is a perfect early spring day. I used the early morning hours to enjoy the view from my office. Sipping on a cup of hot tea and watching the geese use the pond as a bathtub made my heart happy. It reminded me of the value of freedom. Freedom to be who we are designed to be. Freedom to choose our own perspectives. Freedom to choose a life of abundance. Freedom will cover a very broad territory depending on where you are at the moment.

Another pic from Ireland. Space and beauty as far as the eye can see.

It has been one year since the world was shaken by a pandemic. I believe we learned some things as a global community. The shutdown brought uncertainty, fear, and isolation. The world was shaken but closer to home, each one of us had to deal with it on a personal level. We were forced to slow down and look at what we value the most. The confinement challenged our views of the true definition of freedom. Something as simple as watching the geese enjoy an early morning play in our neighborhood pond has made me reflect on how my own views have changed in a years time.

At this moment some of us may not feel the freedom to travel to other countries yet. The rules have changed and we have to decide how to fit into the infrastructure’s guidelines. These pics of our last real vacation were taken in Ireland in 2017. We traveled there to explore my family roots. While the look back at the pics refreshed the memories of “freedom without boundaries”, they also reached deep into my own aspect of “Prosperity”.

The trip to Ireland was steeped in conversations with the natives of the country. The folks we engaged with held a deep knowledge of the history of their land. They lived simple lives with little chaos and much family time. Monetary wealth was at the bottom of the priority scale and it was relevant in their lifestyles.

The castles hold secrets from the deep history of the land. Their dungeons and secret rooms remind me of the hidden places in our hearts.

I came home with much to ponder. The culture of the Irish helped me understand on a deeper level that the things which matter most in this world do not come from the riches of the pocketbook.

Unfortunately, most folks think of prosperity in the terms of assets owned. Prosperity is a rich word with a deep meaning. The definition begins in one’s heart. It begins with the distance of your vision. In other words, can you see past your own toes? Can you see where you are at the moment? For example, when the news of the shutdown reached your household – did you have an innate knowing that “you and your family were going to be okay?” Did the road map of your vision take you to safety and peace? Or did you choose the road most traveled and dive into fear and media updates?

This is actually a MAIN road but less traveled! A road less traveled will always be more narrow.

Truthfully, in the beginning, it took me some time to get off the fence and completely embrace peace. The prosperous side of my soul eventually spoke louder than my own analytical thoughts. I finally reached the pinnacle of the truth that this thing was not something I could control anyway. The prosperous side of my mentality consistently pointed me toward the riches that exceeded any bank account on this planet. The riches of peace, health, friends, and family. These four things make you a prosperous human. The restrictions of the shutdown challenged every one of those elements of our freedom. Just like my Irish friends, it is our choice to bathe in the freedoms of our true wealth.

I leave you with this encouragement. Revisit some good times of the past to refresh some stagnant places of your soul left from the residual of last year. Make a list of the riches you possess. Make notes of the places where you are experiencing total peace, the physical health of your family, the list of those friends that stick closer than a brother, and the family that you belong. Express gratefulness for your list of wealth. Finally, start a plan to improve or refine any of these areas if needed. Be sure to include your monetary status too. After all, it is a part of the definition of prosperity. It just isn’t the MAIN objective to our wealth or status.

I actually love money. We must choose to steward it properly. It is a tool that not only moves the things of this world but also partners with love, empathy, and compassion to provide hope in the desolate place in the heart of another. I love to manage it and I love to generously give it away.

The way we manage our dollars is a reflection of the true condition of the soul. We will either invest from a prosperous sight using wisdom, caution, and faith or scatter funds beyond our means from a place drenched in fear, lack, and uncertainty. Sounds like a good topic to address next time.

Touch base with your family today with an awareness of your prosperity and by all means

Enjoy the Journey – VB

P.S. Writing brings me great joy. It also brings me great joy when others share themselves through writing too. It’s not hard to get your stuff out there for others to enjoy. Click here or here to see how I got started! These folks are fabulous!

My book is available on Amazon. Escape from Darkness


Happy New Year folks! In today’s chaotic atmosphere several are looking for TRUTH while frantically sorting through the plethora of daily information that is freely available at our fingertips. The real truth is “we cannot believe most of what we hear” these days. The escalation of deceit is happening faster than anyone could possibly keep up with it. Even the deceivers are having difficulty!

The New Year always brings a bit of reflection for me. It only takes a quick look over my shoulder to remind me that looking at the past is a good way to steer off course. However, I do believe that sometimes a quick look can also be a reminder of a few hard-earned nuggets of wisdom that are worthy of tucking in our backpack for the journey ahead.

This year my personal look back helped me understand some things about TRUTH. My dad was an ornery soul, to say the least, BUT one thing he stood firm on was telling the truth. He instilled the valuable virtue with the back of his hand if needed. I didn’t agree with his method for memory but the foundation of TRUTH has been extremely helpful in the big picture of life. I recall only a few times I strayed from the truth and they both brought consequences with deep scars to myself and others.

Have you ever been around a person who is so comfortable in their own skin that you fight the feeling of jealousy? I try to make those people my friends! Being close to them allows me to pull from their positive influence.

It seems things become true when proven. Those things that have proved themselves over time have become part of my infrastructure known as the belief system. Unfortunately, a lie will position itself as the impostor of the truth When a person with a traumatic past looks in the mirror – their belief system tells them what they see. What they see drives the rest of their day. Likewise, when a person with the real truth of their own identity looks in the mirror – what they see also drives the rest of their day. One sees through the lens of fear and insecurity while the other sees through a much clearer lens of confidence and love. The good news is infrastructures can be remodeled! It only takes courage and an open mind to start the demolition.

It is probably safe to say that most of us have been both of those people at one time or another. It is common to even have a foot in both the path of trauma and the path of true identity on our journey to wholeness. There are days I still remind myself of the truth. The TRUTH that says I am beautifully and wonderfully made. The truth says there are places on this earth that await my influence. The truth that says PERFECTION is an unreasonable goal. The truth that says FAILURE is simply a strength exercise and adds to the lessons of wisdom. The truth says I must love myself before I can fully love others.

I leave you with this encouragement. Examine your belief system. Make the needed changes if there are gaps or areas of deceit supporting the infrastructure. Do not wait another minute to wipe the fog from your daily lens of perspective. We are living in a day where the virtue of truth is far and few between. There will only be a remnant who chooses to stand on the side of integrity, love, and truth. Do not be deceived into thinking the course of violence and lies will lead to a place of safety. Take the road less traveled and become a person with influence to change the places where you are given a voice.



One more thing for the record: My dad was right – the truth is always the best route. 🙂

Check out my recent book on Amazon. The title of it is Escape from Darkness.

I chronicled my own journey to the truth.


In today’s culture it is of the utmost importance to intentionally pursue wholeness.

We are in full swing of holiday activities, political unrest, and pandemic instructions. Things couldn’t be more exciting or more uncertain. The media offers stress with just one click on your electronic device. One click usually leads to two clicks and before you know it you have been successfully submersed in 30 minutes of information overload. Information for circumstances that you have absolutely no control. Yet the rest of the day you will be left pondering the information. Furthermore, nearly every person in your path will mention their own stress and opinions on the matters within a few seconds of a casual conversation.

Without even knowing it we build internal stress structures. Over time the accumulation of stress causes our bodies to remain in constant fight or flight mode. These days it doesn’t take long to get there. A common phrase is “if there could only be another me, maybe I could complete everything on the daily “to-do” list”.

Well, it isn’t uncommon to find yourself divided into many parts. Parts that represent your past, your present and your future. If you really slow down enough to thoughtfully examine your own behaviors, stress levels, and daily routines, you may find that there REALLY ARE several versions of you accommodating each day! It is no wonder we long to get away in front of the television with our favorite show or consume the drinks, food or medication that calm the internal beast.

I believe women are worse then men regarding the many identities we try to hold up. Especially in the current culture of singleness and singleness with children to raise. In general it seems that men are better at staying to the course of their purpose. Women are wired to “save the world”. We are naturally doers and nurturers.

While I love the empathetic, compassionate and loving part of myself – there came a time that I hit the wall (so to speak). I was running so fast and wearing so many hats, I seldom stopped to make sure I was still breathing.

Let me tell you from personal experience – when your body and mind can’t run anymore, they will stop! Right there in your current tracks you will find yourself unable to function. I can honestly say I have never been more afraid than I was when the overload happened. I could not get control of my emotions. They were running on their own. (story is here) Physical exhaustion was beyond getting out of bed.

Some people hit a wall of anxiety and racing thoughts. I had thoughts of “nothingness” . I wanted to slip into a cave and sleep the world away. It can be very hard to crawl out of such a pit of despair. The mental and physical load on the journey to wholeness is overbearing. Becoming whole is the best and the more difficult of our two options at that point in time. We either succumb to wholeness or fall down the pit of depression. My decision and commitment to pursue wellness came when my counselor asked me to define wholeness.

One of my favorite authors is Matthew Kelly. I found my destination to pursue in his book “RESISTING HAPPINESS” .


The sense that my life is One – not many parts or many compartments, but one loving, breathing, ordered life. In the midst of the search for wholeness – two good things remain; my desire to be whole and the voice that can lead me to wholeness.

Wholeness allows me to embrace who I am and at the same time strive to achieve all I am capable of achieving and become all I am capable of becoming. Being content with who I am today and improving myself for tomorrow.

I believe wholeness is attained when we find the delicate balance that allows both to coexist.

I leave you with this word of encouragement. Don’t wait for your own “hit the wall” experience. Begin to listen to the “voice” of Wisdom that resides outside of the wilderness. Start stepping toward your own definition of wholeness and pull the fragments of yourself together. You are important! Wrap this year up in a huge present of time and attention to yourself. Pursue wholeness and by all means


Where’s the Love?

I write this morning with a somewhat heavy heart. You know when you have one of those weeks when your eyes have been turned toward the hurt and sorrows of this world. It seems every person you come into contact with has a crisis. Not just a petty crisis but real troubles. You have to wonder, “Where’s the Love”?

2020 has proved to be full of surprises. Folks are enduring trials from the weather to a pandemic and everything that could pack itself in between. We are being forced to navigate the emotional impact these oppositions have on us. We are put into a corner of self-introspection and reevaluation of how we continue to make a living and do life at the same time. Fear remains a foothold in many lives. Fear of sickness, fear of lack, fear of _____________ (you can fill in the blank). Fear has no boundaries and it has no limits if given the reigns to rule.

Even before the pandemic, technology and garage doors placed major barriers between relationships. What used to be a phone call is now a text and what once was an opportunity to say hello to your neighbor is now driving your car into a part of your house and shutting the door behind you before anyone has a chance to see you. There is seldom a get together with friends or even family because of busy schedules and new rules of social distancing.

We find faith when we flip fear on its head. Faith and courage to overcome the obstacle that seems to block the road in front of us. Faith makes the way to intentionally remove the load from our own shoulders and become available to lend a helping hand to another who is in need. After all, true prosperity is being able to provide for a need when it presents itself. This is what makes the world go around. People helping people. We were not designed to be in this world alone. It was intended to be a community effort.

Whether it be financial, relational, family, health, or simple circumstances – challenging times can wear us out if we let them. It is difficult because it requires such conscious effort to draw a boundary of peace around daily life.

I leave you with this encouragement. Challenge yourself by making time on your calendar to reflect on how YOU can make a difference. Put your thoughts into action. Keep in mind you cannot save the world but collectively we can sure make some changes. It seems the more we give the more the opportunities to give will pop up. It is a spiritual principle that once we’re focused on our participation in the needs around us, our own needs are miraculously provided.

It’s easy to recognize the deep pain of another when you have been there yourself in a different season of life. Troubles are real and so is the exhaustion of dealing with them. I am forever grateful to those who extended their resources, love, and friendship in my personal times of challenge.

Today I share a video released this year by a very good friend of mine. We share the burden of the sorrows we see around us. We made a decision to simply make a difference with our musical talent. Her song will prick your heart of compassion. Let it be the spark on your flame of decision to rise up in your current season and release LOVE to a hurting world. I promise the rewards are great!

Enjoy the Journey – VB