Those memories filling my mind just won’t let me go. I have found myself in a place of very deep reflection these past weeks. (which really isn’t that unusual for me). I had another birthday this month so maybe it truly is “life’s golden season” that brings back nostalgia. I have also been binge-watching old childhood television shows on ROKU. Those TV shows had good morals, humor, and life lessons. Of course, it could be the research I am doing for my next book. Maybe it’s hearing the lyrics in music before it was so overproduced and polished. The days when music was written from raw life emotions or world events.

I don’t have the answers but I do know I am not the only one that seems to be reminiscing about the good ole days.

Frankly, I am beginning to believe that somewhere in the past 50 years we have become such polished people we have either forgotten or never knew how to be our authentic selves. It’s funny because when those rare face-to-face meetings occur with someone who brushes the world view to the wayside and instead lives out of a place of genuine purity – I am enthralled and even envious.

When I go down that deep hole of reflection and introspection I usually find a place in my daily routine that simply needs a change. Sometimes it’s an easy transition and sometimes it’s gut-wrenching.

For example – one little tweak of a schedule can bring hours of relief in a day. That’s easy.

However, changing a false mindset can literally feel like losing a limb. I was raised on a farm. Hard work, integrity, and honesty were deeply instilled values. We worked hard, played hard, and rested hard. I liked country living and watching the sunset from the porch. I liked being barefoot in the mud. I didn’t recognize it then but the freedom of the outdoors did something for my soul.

We probably assumed the days would never change but they did and many of us changed with them in pursuit of a “better” life. The hourly wage and 40-hour plus work week took the place of sunsets and family dinners. I now better understand why I was terrible at punching a clock! It didn’t allow me to witness those beautiful things that happen outside the constriction of a schedule. Like dropping everything to watch a horse foul or a litter of puppies enter the world.

It seems many folks are looking over their shoulder to search for something they lost along the way. I leave you with this encouragement. All is not lost – it is a part of you that only needs resurrected. Show them the things they may not know like a family dinner. Require all electronic devices to go into lockdown for a moment on the porch as the sun explodes colors in the sky on its descent. Reach deep within yourself and let those creative ideas flow. How can the world possibly be complete without your contribution of beauty that only you can give?

Change is a good thing and we mustn’t grieve the past BUT we must remember we all have something to teach and we all have something to learn. Give of yourself as a teacher and a student and you will most certainly

Enjoy the Journey – VB

It's in the Music

The Latest Release Right HERE!! It’s a dream that came to life in my writing.