Do you Recognize Your Season?

This picture was taken in our fire pit this spring. It intrigued me to see beauty rise up out of the ashes.

One of the things I enjoy the most is reflecting on the season changes I get to witness from the deck while sitting in my favorite chair. Sometimes the air feels hot and humid in the active days of summer right before the rain. There is also the beauty of the leaves as they change colors as fall makes it entrance. My plants tell me after the first cold snap that its time to move inside and watch through the window as the winter season unfolds. Spring always brings the anticipation of sitting in the morning air once more and watching the wildlife wake up from the winter months.

The seasons of our lives are simultaneously changing with the seasons of the earth. It has been both a joy and a challenge for me to acknowledge that simple epiphany. To understand it is to know that whatever season one is currently experiencing will soon change. It’s important to know when to embrace a lovely summer or when to batten down the hatch and wait for a fall storm to blow over. It’s equally important to know the time to rest and watch a winter season from the safety and warmth of the inside or when to fling the windows open and shake the dust from the curtains to allow spring to help you do something different and exciting.

Most of us are wired for routine and find security in thinking we know what the next day is going to bring. It took a near death experience from an unexpected motorcycle accident to shake me out of that mentality. The truth is we do not know what the next day holds. Our season may change with the blink of an eye. I was suddenly thrust into a winter season of physical recovery. while we were riding the hills of the Ozarks in Arkansas on a beautiful fall day. My total focus changed to learning to sit still while my body healed the broken bones. I had a lot of time to watch the world around me from the recliner in our living room. Let’s just say I learned a lot. While I became one with the furniture, everyone else in the house went about their daily lives. It disturbed me to see the fast pace that had become our way of life. Living to work and working to live. While working is certainly a priority – so is stopping to smell the roses.

Even the season in the chair soon changed to long hours of physical therapy, going back to work myself, and moving through the huge array of orthopedic devices that offered assistance until I could stand on my own two feet again. Now I am left with only the reflection of that particular season.

In a nutshell, I encourage you to first recognize your current season and simply adjust accordingly because it will soon change. Anticipate the change and prepare to move through it fully awake. Stop and smell the roses along the way because flowers can bloom anywhere. You may be surprised how perfect moments can be captured when they are least expected. Every season has bright spots of growth and joy. Remember it is Your Season! Make it golden!

Enjoy the Journey – VB

5 Replies to “Do you Recognize Your Season?”

  1. “Reaching the world”…. I remember “the season” when those words were spoken over you….and here you are….anyone in the world who chooses can now “hear” you. At that time, I thought it would be through music, not so my dear friend, it will be through your words.
    Thrilled to have found this blog and now I must get the book…So happy to have been a small part of one of your seasons. Much love!

    1. OOOhhhh….it means so much to me to hear that reminder! Your friendship is forever tucked away in my heart. Thank you for being you.
      I am still “enjoying the journey” 🙂

  2. Oddly enough, this whole seasons thing is a new concept to me. I’m learning that there is hope in knowing that the bad seasons will pass and preparation in knowing the good ones will too. And excitement in learning to navigate everything in between. I’m pretty sure you’ve walked through every season with me in the last 16 months. You’ve let me cry and be ridiculous when my flesh felt like it needed to and you’ve picked me up off the ground and sent me on my way, fully encouraging me to go balls to the wall (can I say balls?) and leading me from behind while I run off into the sunset with a crazy idea and taking you, and whoever else will follow, with me. You are the perfect friend, leader, mentor, and disciple for every season. Thank you for sharing this with me and thank you for sharing you with the world!!!

    1. You make my day!!!! I Love having a front seat to your unfolding journey. You are a beacon of light in a world that is begging for relief. Keep being you because YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL IN EVERY WAY!! I appreciate your words… they really did make my day. 🙂

  3. Wow. I really, really needed this today! Here lately I’ve just been going none stop with no time on my hands whatsoever. I really believe that’s been stealing some of my happiness and joy away from me. I’ve really been feeling a need to take some time to just rest and this reminded me that it’s important to do so. Thank you!

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