There is simply not a better time of the day than early morning. Every woman should have their “haven”. That place in the home you can call their own. The place where you can lock the rest of the world out before it even wakes up. I was once advised by a holistic doctor to wake up and experience the sunrise was one of the healthiest things you could do for your well-being. The morning light entering your body through the eyes sets the pace for the whole day. That was not hard advice for me to follow. I can be found in my office most mornings before the sun makes its appearance. A cup of hot tea by my side and soft jazz music filling the air. It is my creative space and I’ve made it my haven. The above picture is what I see out of the window.
I remember well my Mother’s 50th birthday. I teased her about being a half-century old! And now here I am- well over the half century mark myself! For me, it took an unexpected life event to change the course of my entire perspective on life. I sincerely hope that is not the case for my readers. On the other hand, my mother had an incredible way of making every season of life seem golden. She modeled a series of moment to moment positive decisions on how to spend each day. She blended the sunrise, hard work, and laughter into memorable moments for the whole family. Even her death was a golden moment. She left some big foot steps to fill but most of all she blazed a trail of influence lit with beams of sunshine.
I believe the half-century mark opens up an entire new opportunity to embrace. We would do ourselves a terrible injustice to not take advantage of this particular golden season. It certainly offers a time of reflection and reprioritizing. I encourage each person in my path to do the same because the rewards are large. You get more out of yourself and everyone around gets more of you.
One thing I did was write a book. I’ve always heard that your own life testimony is good material for your first book. My book, “Escape from Darkness” (mentioned on About Me ) , was more about the journey to freedom FROM that testimony. I learned some things. Your story is what defines your perspectives and behaviors. We are victims of our environments from the very day we enter the world. The beauty is that while we cannot change the past, we can certainly use it as a tool to define the trajectory of how to make the rest of our years on earth the best they can possibly be. There is always room for improving and adjusting even if you’re already living the best life. Each day has golden nuggets that we run past simply because we aren’t looking.
I will leave you with this encouragement. Plan to enjoy the sunrise. Slow down and find one golden nugget in your day that has been waiting for you all along. Take a moment and remember “THIS IS YOUR SEASON“. Create your haven and by all means
Enjoy the journey…VB